Diary from New York.



マンハッタン散策 第8回-Midtown vol.1-

Manhattan散策、第8回。 今回はパブリックライブラリーでの無料ESLクラスの後、美味しいスープ専門店と、お洋服屋さんを2件回ります☆ 既に馴染みがあるブライアントパーク周り。セントラルパークもいいけど、NY感が味わえるエリアで、近場に色々とあるので疲…

マンハッタン散策 第7回 vol.2 - New York Public Library-

Manhattan散策、第7回 vol.2。 Greenwich VillageからMidtownへやってきました。42 St Bryant Pk駅。 この駅の周りにもブルーボトルなどのエスプレッソバーや、デイリーユースなカフェがたくさんあります。日系の紀伊国屋書店やブックオフもある情報収集に便…

How do I look by others?

It's very important question for me.No, not only me but also every person who want to improve and want to grow more and more, I think. Why I'm thinking about that, I've read the article about Taylor Swift on GQ JAPAN just this morning. She…


昨日手に取った、ある本を受けて今日は改めてこの問いを考えてみました。 それがこちら。 TOEICテスト280点だった私が半年で800点、3年で同時通訳者になれた42のルール 作者: 小熊弥生 出版社/メーカー: 幻冬舎 発売日: 2012/09/12 メディア: Kindle版 この…

Studying abroad in Cebu -It was last sunset.-

I've arrived at Japane right now.... It seems like a long long beautiful dream that I dreamed in airplane...... ◆◆◆ It's a familiar sight... This was my room. Suddenly,I felt large room...it was almost empty.. Many teachers and students...…

Studying abroad in Cebu -exactly luck-

Actually, a school environment was most hardest for me this week, but at once,my mind could be relaxed. Because I could have a little vacant time more than before this week in the morning and evening. (but only this week...) I often need m…

Studying abroad in Cebu -It's my breakfast-

It's my breakfast! I really like this place,so I often take a breakfast here in the early morning. It's very confutable because nobody is in there... Under the sun, viewing the sea, and feeling the fresh breeze... This scene makes me refre…

Studying abroad in Cebu -beautiful day-

I hope that if today was bad day for us,it was also one of the good day. We can think that we can get rarely experience with friends. Whenever we can change our situation and mind by ourself. Tomorrow is going to be beautiful day for sure.…

Studying abroad in Cebu -This is Japanese KAYA!!-

This is my room. You're surprised,aren't you?! This is Japanese KAYA!! KAYA is a mosquito net!!!! Very very veeeeery confutable:)) Actually,Mayu gave me it!! She is my Japanese friend who studied English together in CIJ, and I was able to …

Studying abroad in Cebu -Farewell is the beginning of a new story-

Now is rainy season,so my condition is not good...but I'm enjoyed every day. *** Encounter is the beginning of farewell But I believe Farewell is the beginning of a new story

Studying abroad in Cebu - See you again -

Every weekend,We are really sad and wish our missing friends happiness. I was heard this song from nowhere when we gave our friends a send off.So,if I listen it somewhere, I can't help remembering this mind. I'm grateful for these days and…

Studying abroad in Cebu -1st weekend-

昨日ははじめての週末でした! 学校のスタッフの彼が付き添って、 バッチメイトのTaiwaneseの女の子と 一番近くのモールへ日用品を買いに出ました☆ 学校から徒歩2分に、日本食居酒屋とタイマッサージ屋さんがあって、 週末の黄金コースになりそうです。笑 若…

Studying abroad in Cebu -Sunrise-

今朝の朝焼け。 朝陽が観たくて、 5時頃起きて、 二度寝して、 贅沢な休日の朝でした。

Studying abroad in Cebu -1st week-

本日の朝焼け。 とりあえず、 生活のリズムが出来つつあるかな この先生とは目的を共有しやすそうだな 何曜日はどんなレッスンをしたいな ご飯は美味しくも不味くもないな ジムにはマシンが3つしかないな プールはお腹を壊さないそうだから 水着を持って来…