Diary from New York.


I've been reading The Disciplined Pursuit of Less

I've been reading The Disciplined Pursuit of Less written by Greg Mckeown, because my husband recommended it for me. 

It has passed for a month since I had started to read this book,haha.

It's easy reading, so I could take notes and reflected on my past life during reading it, but I always read in pockets of time so I'm not even halfway finished yet.

This books subtitle is "to gain the greatest profit by smallest effort", that is "Way of life to select only a essential thing".

Assuming that the book is great,and I almost agree with those viewpoints,however I had a suspicion and reaction some times, the reason that reflects my some complex and I haven't digested some suspicions for a person who do everything strictly.

I should find the answer "What is the most important for me at the present time",and surely I can find it because If I will face up to the matter,this book will teach me about the best way on business and the most precious point on my life.

As a todays memorandum,











この違和感は、私にとってとても興味深いことで、これを掘り下げたら、現状の自分の価値観  ≒「31歳の自分が大事にしたいこと」が見えてくるんじゃないかと思っています。自分のワークライフバランスを考える上で、この本に書かれている方法論(仕事)と、この本に感じた違和感(プライベート)の両方が役立つかと。



エッセンシャル思考 最少の時間で成果を最大にする

エッセンシャル思考 最少の時間で成果を最大にする